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harmless sweat duct tumors, typically found clustered on eyelids, although they may possibly also be found in the armpits,umbilicus, or vulva. they are skin-colored or yellowish firm rounded bumps, 1-3 mm in diameter, and may possibly be confused with xanthelasma



  • Syringomas could appear at any get older, though they usually take place after puberty. Syringomas could develop in people regarding any race and regarding either gender, though females tend to be more commonly affected.
  • Syringomas often run in families. Nearly 18% of people with Down syndrome have syringomas. People with diabetes mellitus are more inclined to have a type generally known as clear cell syringomas.
  • A less common condition, eruptive syringomas, is more commonly seen in people with darker skin.


They may possibly be removed with erbium or carbon dioxide lasers.

Image of syringoma, a benign skin condition characterized by small, firm bumps on the skin.