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Orbital Tumors - Lacrimal Gland Tumors
look for fullness of upper lid, asymmetry of superior sulcus, abnormal lid contour
majority lacrimal gland masses are idiopathic inflammatory dacryoadenitis
especially S-shape, often palpable
check for mobility, smooth, rubbery or nodular
proptosis is evidence of posterior growth, otherwise globe is down and media
CT very good for differentiating inflammation from tumor: inflammation and lymphoid with in gland cause diffuse enlargement, elongated shape, contour around globe; neoplasms are isolated, globular, displace & indent globe
Epithelial Tumors
50% benign mixed
Benign Mixed Tumor (Pleomorphic Adenoma)
most common epithelial tumor
30-50 year old, M sl>F
palpable, painless, slow (history often reveals symptoms > 1 year) growing with globe dispalced down, medial, axial proptosis
incites bony cortication, enlargement/expansion lacrimal gland fossa, firm lobular mass
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma (Cylindroma) (25% if epithelial lacrimal gland tumors)
most common (highly) malignant tumor of lac gland
PAIN from bone destruction, perineural invasion, rapid course differentiates from benign mixed
swiss cheese appearance, stain with mucicarmine, looks benign, infiltration of orbital tissue, incl. perineural invasion
basaloid pattern worst prognosis
radical orbital exenteration (of roof, lateral wall, floor, orbital soft tissue, anterior temporalis muscle), with XRT
death from intracranial extension or systemic metastisis after multiple recurrences
Non-Epithelial Lacrimal Gland Tumors
1/2 of lacrimal tumors
Orbital inflammatory syndrome
African or Scandinavian descent, systemic disease, non-caseating granuloma with monocytes, typical bilateral lacrimal gland involvement, conj. biopsy or lac gland biopsy or gallium scan could establish diagnosis, ACE, lysozyme, chest x-ray for hilar adenopathy, anergy on skin test
benign lymphoproliferative lesions of lacrimal gland middle aged F, dry eye, if with rheumatoid arthritis, then classic Sjogren&/260-Lacrimal Gland Tumors/#146;s